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Pathfinder Giant Slayer Pdf Download Free

This article is primarily or only relevant to Pathfinder First Edition. The subject of this article exists in or is relevant to the real world.


Giantslayer is the sixteenth campaign to grace the pages of the Pathfinder Adventure Path series, and is scheduled to run from February 2015 through to July 2015. It begins in the Hold of Belkzen and continues into the Mindspin Mountains against giants of ever-increasing power.

" Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant's larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant? "


Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Battle of Bloodmarch Hill Written by Patrick Renie Released February 2015
In the human town of Trunau, a beleaguered settlement surrounded by the brutal orcs of the Hold of Belkzen, the heroes must investigate a mysterious death. Before they uncover the truth, however, Trunau comes under attack by an orc army, and the heroes must help defend it, only to discover the real reasons behind both the murder and the orc raid—both were just distractions from a wider conspiracy involving a giant chieftain, who seeks the treasures of the forgotten tomb of an ancient giant hero beneath the town.

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The Hill Giant's Pledge Written by Larry Wilhelm Released April 29, 2015
The marauding orcs have been defeated, but great danger remains—the hill giant chieftain Grenseldek did not recover the treasures of the tomb beneath the besieged town of Trunau, and she will never rest until she has made them her own. The heroes must travel by riverboat through the orc-hold of Belkzen to the abandoned border fort that the giant has claimed as her lair and put a stop to the threat at its source!

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Forge of the Giant God Written by Tim Hitchcock Released May 27, 2015
The heroes explore the tomb of a legendary giantslayer before venturing into the Mindspin Mountains in search of the valley where the Storm Tyrant is recruiting giants for his army. The adventurers must confront the numerous giants inhabiting the winding valley before making their way to the giant headquarters, an ancient temple to the giant god Minderhal, which contains a powerful artifact. But the valley of the giants is just a recruiting station, and the Storm Tyrant's stone giant representative has been sending the most promising recruits to a training camp deeper in the mountains.

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Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen Written by Jim Groves Released June 24, 2015
Following the trail of the Storm Tyrant's armies, the heroes come to a frost giant village that serves as a training camp, led by a frost giant graveknight who issues orders from within an icy crypt. As the heroes engage in guerrilla tactics to weaken the army of giants and disband the camp, they can ally with a red dragon who seeks to infiltrate the village for her own purposes. Once they've broken the ranks of the giants, the heroes venture into a frozen tomb where they must defeat cultists of the Pallid Princess, morbid tomb giants, and undead war machines before engaging in a climactic battle with the giants' fearsome leader!

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Anvil of Fire Written by Sean K Reynolds Released June 2015
Tracking down the Storm Tyrant's fire giant allies, the heroes head for the elite military academy where the Storm Tyrant is training officers for his giant army, a subterranean dungeon complex beneath the caldera of a dormant volcano in the Mindspin Mountains. Facing off against the fire giant king Tytarian and his family, the heroes learn about the Storm Tyrant's plans to invade Belkzen and lead an army of giants and orcs to conquer the nations of Avistan and gain valuable intelligence about the Storm Tyrant's flying cloud castle and his top generals.

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Shadow of the Storm Tyrant Written by Tito Leati Released July 2015
The heroes emerge from a fire giant dungeon into a volcano's caldera, where the Storm Tyrant's stolen cloud castle floats high above. As the castle takes off into the sky, the heroes must storm the castle and defeat the Storm Tyrant's guardians and elite giant allies. Finally, they must face the Storm Tyrant himself and his dominated red dragon to put an end to his megalomaniacal push for power. Will the heroes defeat Volstus the Storm Tyrant, or will all of Avistan bend its knee to the mighty warlord and his giant armies?

Player's Guides

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Giantslayer Player's Guide Written by Adam Daigle and Rob McCreary Released January 2015
The Giantslayer Player's Guide gives players all the spoiler-free information, inspiration, and new rules they'll need to create characters prepared for delving into the adventure and intrigue of the Giantslayer Adventure Path. Within, players of this campaign will find everything they need to create character backgrounds tied to personalities and events vital to Pathfinder Adventure Path's exploration of some of the many ancient tombs and dangerous locations in the Mindspin Mountains, along with new campaign—specific traits to give bold adventurers the edge they'll need to take on the strange and deadly threats faced on their quest.

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Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes Written by Tyler Beck et al. Released February 25, 2015
Orcs are the scourge of civilization, the raiders who come in the night, slaughtering innocents for treasure and the simple joy of the kill. Their brutality extends even to their own kind, with tribes battling for supremacy and only the strongest individuals surviving to adulthood. Yet despite their fearsome image, orcs maintain a society of their own, having carved out the legendary Hold of Belkzen. Within this chaotic region, warlords vie for supremacy, adventurers plunder ruins long lost to orc barbarism, and those bold orcs who imagine a better life struggle for change.

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Giantslayer Poster Map Folio Cartography by Rob Lazzaretti and Ben Wootten Released July 2015
Evil giants plague the treacherous Mindspin Mountains, and only your player characters stand into the way of their conquest! Three massive, lavishly illustrated poster maps set the scene for the popular Giantslayer Adventure Path, creating a must-have collection for that or any mountainous campaign. Maps include the frontier town of Trunau, a vast overview of the Mindspin Mountain region, and a giant player-oriented map of a frost giant village, presented as an isometric drawing of the settlement's defenses and layout.

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Giantslayer Adventure Path Pawn Collection Released October 2015
Key monsters and NPCs from the Giantslayer Adventure Path come alive on your tabletop with the Giantslayer Pawn Collection, featuring more than 100 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn presents a beautiful full-color image of a monster or NPC from the Giantslayer campaign, running the gamut of larger-than-life foes from the oafish hill giant to the mighty storm giant, plus orcs, trolls, and dozens of unique creatures and characters. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from the Pathfinder Pawns Bestiary Box, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With tons of distinct images, the Giantslayer Pawn Collection brings to life the enemies and allies from all six adventures of the Giantslayer Adventure Path.


Pathfinder Adventure Paths
  • Rise of the Runelords
  • Curse of the Crimson Throne
  • Second Darkness
  • Legacy of Fire
  • Council of Thieves
  • Kingmaker
  • Serpent's Skull
  • Carrion Crown
  • Jade Regent
  • Skull & Shackles
  • Shattered Star
  • Reign of Winter
  • Wrath of the Righteous
  • Mummy's Mask
  • Iron Gods
  • Giantslayer
  • Hell's Rebels
  • Hell's Vengeance
  • Strange Aeons
  • Ironfang Invasion
  • Ruins of Azlant
  • War for the Crown
  • Return of the Runelords
  • Tyrant's Grasp
  • Age of Ashes
  • Extinction Curse
  • Agents of Edgewatch
  • Abomination Vaults
  • Fists of the Ruby Phoenix
  • Strength of Thousands
  • Quest for the Frozen Flame
  • Outlaws of Alkenstar
  • Blood Lords

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