Nano machines plays a major role in the country development. Now a days nano are most faster technology in the developing the use of nano machines are most important in the faster world. The nano machines are very small in size and it can be used for various fields. And because of the very small size it's working speed is when we manufacture machines in nano size we can achieve most accuracy and easy production. since the nanomachines are using the planet's resources as raw material with which to replicate, the danger is that the planet could eventually be transformed into a seething mass of nanomachines.

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Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015





Department Of Mechanical Engineeering


Nano machines plays a major role in the

country development. Now a days nano are most

faster technology in the developing

use of nano machines are most important in the faster

world. The nano machines are very small in size and

it can be used for various fields. And because of the

very small size it's working speed is when

we manufacture machines in na

achieve most accuracy and easy production.

since the nanomachines are using the

planet's resources as raw material with which to

replicate, the danger is that the planet could

eventually be transformed



Nanotechnology, IC engine,

Nano spanner, Backplate Potential applications

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015







Department Of Mechanical Engineeering




Nano machines plays a major role in the

country development. Now a days nano are most

faster technology in the developing the

use of nano machines are most important in the faster

world. The nano machines are very small in size and

it can be used for various fields. And because of the

very small size it's working speed is when

achieve most accuracy and easy production.

since the nanomachines are using the

planet's resources as raw material with which to

replicate, the danger is that the planet could

Nanotechnology, IC engine,

Nano spanner, Backplate Potential applications


is the general term for a machine

ranging in size from one micrometer (one

of a millimeter) to one nanometer (one

Mechanical Systems

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology



is the general term for a machine

ranging in size from one micrometer (one


of a millimeter) to one nanometer (one

-millionth of a

Micro Electro

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015

A nanomachine, also called a

mechanical or electromechanical device whose

dimensions are measured in nanometers (millionths

of a millimeter, or units of 10


Nanomachines are largely in the research

development phase, but some pri

been tested. An example is a sensor having a switch

approximately 1.5 nanometers across, capable of

counting specific

molecules in a chemical sample.

The microscopic size of nanomachines

translates into high operational speed. This is a

of the natural tendency of all machines and systems

to work faster as their size decreases. Nanomachines

could be programmed to replicate themselves, or to

work synergistically to build larger machines or to

construct nanochips. Specialized nanomac

called nanorobots

might be designed not only to

diagnose, but to treat, disease conditions, perhaps by

seeking out invading bacteria and viruses and

destroying them.

Another advantage of nanomachines is that

the individual units require only a tiny a

energy to operate. Durability is another potential

asset; nanites might

last for centuries before breaking

down. The main challenge lies in the methods of

manufacture. It has been suggested that some

nanomachines might be grown in a manner similar

the way plants evolve from seeds.

Nanomachines are devices built from

individual atoms. Some researchers believe that

nanomachines will one day be able to enter living

cells to fight disease. They also hope to one day build

nanomachines that will be ab

order to construct new objects. If they succeed,

nanomachines could be used to literally turn dirt into

food and perhaps eliminate poverty.

As the terminology implies, nanomachines

are extremely small devices. Their size is measured

in nanometers (a nanometer is about 1 billionth of a

meter) and they are built from individual atoms.

During the 1980's and 1990's, futurist and visionary

K. Eric

Drexler popularized the potential of

nanomachines. For Drexler, the ultimate goal of

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015


A nanomachine, also called a

nanite, is a

mechanical or electromechanical device whose

dimensions are measured in nanometers (millionths

Nanomachines are largely in the research


been tested. An example is a sensor having a switch

approximately 1.5 nanometers across, capable of

molecules in a chemical sample.

The microscopic size of nanomachines

translates into high operational speed. This is a


of the natural tendency of all machines and systems

to work faster as their size decreases. Nanomachines

could be programmed to replicate themselves, or to

work synergistically to build larger machines or to

construct nanochips. Specialized nanomac


might be designed not only to

diagnose, but to treat, disease conditions, perhaps by

seeking out invading bacteria and viruses and

Another advantage of nanomachines is that

the individual units require only a tiny a

mount of

energy to operate. Durability is another potential

last for centuries before breaking

down. The main challenge lies in the methods of

manufacture. It has been suggested that some

nanomachines might be grown in a manner similar


Nanomachines are devices built from

individual atoms. Some researchers believe that

nanomachines will one day be able to enter living

cells to fight disease. They also hope to one day build

order to construct new objects. If they succeed,

nanomachines could be used to literally turn dirt into

As the terminology implies, nanomachines

are extremely small devices. Their size is measured

in nanometers (a nanometer is about 1 billionth of a

meter) and they are built from individual atoms.

During the 1980's and 1990's, futurist and visionary

Drexler popularized the potential of

nanomachines. For Drexler, the ultimate goal of

nanomachine technology is the production of the

'assembler'. The assembler is a nanomachine

designed to manipulate matter at the atomic level. It

will be built with extrem

ely small 'pincers' (as small

as a chain of atoms) which will be used to move

atoms from existing molecules into new

The idea is that the assembler will be able to

rearrange atoms from raw material in order to

produce useful items. In theory, o

into a vat and wait patiently for a team of

nanomachine assemblers to convert the dirt into an

apple, a chair, or even a computer. The machines in

the vat would have a molecular schematic of the

object to be built encoded in their 'mem

would then systematically rearrange the atoms

contained in the dirt to produce the desired item.

Another goal of nanotechnology is to design

nanomachines that can make copies of themselves.

The thought is that if a machine can rearran

in order to build new materials, it should also be able

to build copies of itself. If this goal is achieved,

products produced by nanomachines will be

extremely inexpensive. This is because the

technology (once perfected) will be self

and will not require

specific materials, which might

be rare and therefore cost money. Arthur C. Clarke

has predicted that nanotechnology will herald an end

to conventional monetary systems.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology


nanomachine technology is the production of the

'assembler'. The assembler is a nanomachine

designed to manipulate matter at the atomic level. It

ely small 'pincers' (as small

as a chain of atoms) which will be used to move

atoms from existing molecules into new


The idea is that the assembler will be able to

rearrange atoms from raw material in order to

produce useful items. In theory, o

ne could shovel dirt

into a vat and wait patiently for a team of

nanomachine assemblers to convert the dirt into an

apple, a chair, or even a computer. The machines in

the vat would have a molecular schematic of the

object to be built encoded in their 'mem

ory'. They

would then systematically rearrange the atoms

contained in the dirt to produce the desired item.

Another goal of nanotechnology is to design

nanomachines that can make copies of themselves.

The thought is that if a machine can rearran

ge atoms

in order to build new materials, it should also be able

to build copies of itself. If this goal is achieved,

products produced by nanomachines will be

extremely inexpensive. This is because the

technology (once perfected) will be self


specific materials, which might

be rare and therefore cost money. Arthur C. Clarke

has predicted that nanotechnology will herald an end

to conventional monetary systems.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015

The perfection of nanotechnology and the

production of nanomach

ines could herald a new age

for humanity. Starvation, illness, and environmental

problems could quickly come to an end. But how

realistic are the goals of nanotechnology? Will it ever

be possible to produce machines the size of atoms?

And if so, how feasib

le is it to build nanomachines

that can build objects from the atom up? Is it possible

for nanomachines to build copies of themselves?

Before we get carried away with the promises of

nanotechnology, we should take a look at some of the

problems that are yet to be solved.


An important challenge to overcome is one

of engineering. How can we physically build

machines out of atoms? Rearranging atoms into new

shapes is essentially building new molecules

(nanomachines are sometimes called

machines') and this is no easy task.

contemporary technology to rearrange atoms has

been said to be analogous to assembling LEGO

blocks while wearing boxing gloves. It is virtually

impossible to snap individual atoms together. All we

can do is crudely push large piles of them together

and hope for the best. Scientists hope that once this

initial challenge is overcome, nanomachines will

usher in a new age of molecular engineering and

previous problems will be a thing

new nanomachines will allow scientists to take off


boxing gloves and accurately snap together

individual atoms to build virtually any molecule

(within the laws of physics, of course).

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015


The perfection of nanotechnology and the

ines could herald a new age

for humanity. Starvation, illness, and environmental

problems could quickly come to an end. But how

realistic are the goals of nanotechnology? Will it ever

be possible to produce machines the size of atoms?

le is it to build nanomachines

that can build objects from the atom up? Is it possible

for nanomachines to build copies of themselves?

Before we get carried away with the promises of

nanotechnology, we should take a look at some of the

An important challenge to overcome is one

of engineering. How can we physically build

machines out of atoms? Rearranging atoms into new

shapes is essentially building new molecules

(nanomachines are sometimes called



contemporary technology to rearrange atoms has

been said to be analogous to assembling LEGO

blocks while wearing boxing gloves. It is virtually

impossible to snap individual atoms together. All we

can do is crudely push large piles of them together

and hope for the best. Scientists hope that once this

initial challenge is overcome, nanomachines will

usher in a new age of molecular engineering and

new nanomachines will allow scientists to take off

boxing gloves and accurately snap together

individual atoms to build virtually any molecule


The only way to prevent this use of

nanomachines would be through international


ments. Unfortunately, not all countries are

willing to sign such agreements. And those who

sign might be tempted to de


just incase the enemy is doing the same thing.

Perhaps the most we could hope for would be a

stalemate s

ituation like the one between the United

States and the U.S.S.R during the cold war. If both

sides have the technology, they might be too nervous

to use it, since they know that the other side will


A more serious danger of nanomachine


involves the ability to self replicate.

Imagine that a nanomachine has the ability to make a

copy of itself by rearranging the atoms contained in

any nearby matter. Since it is producing an exact

copy of itself, it is likely that the 'offspring' machine


ill be able to replicate. This is, after all, the way in


nanotechnologists intend to keep the cost of

nanomachines down.

So now we have 2

replicate. One more cycle will produce 2 more, which

leaves a total of 4.

4 becomes 8.

8 becomes 16.

16 becomes 32, and so on.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology



The only way to prevent this use of

nanomachines would be through international

ments. Unfortunately, not all countries are

willing to sign such agreements. And those who


just incase the enemy is doing the same thing.

Perhaps the most we could hope for would be a

ituation like the one between the United

States and the U.S.S.R during the cold war. If both

sides have the technology, they might be too nervous

to use it, since they know that the other side will

A more serious danger of nanomachine

involves the ability to self replicate.

Imagine that a nanomachine has the ability to make a

copy of itself by rearranging the atoms contained in

any nearby matter. Since it is producing an exact

copy of itself, it is likely that the 'offspring' machine

ill be able to replicate. This is, after all, the way in

nanotechnologists intend to keep the cost of

replicate. One more cycle will produce 2 more, which

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015

After only 27 generations we would have

over 134 million nanomachines on our hands. Since

they are molecular, this doesn't seem like a big

number. But the number could keep growing. After

39 generations there would be


on the planet. The point is obvious.

Without a way of controlling the reproduction of

nanomachines, the planet is in danger of being over

run. Furthermore, since the nanomachines are using



net's resources as raw material with which to

replicate, the danger is that the planet could

eventually be transformed


Nanotechnology is the much discussed

technology these days

a realm in which machines

operate at

scales of billionth a metre. It is actually a

multitude of rapidly emerging technologies based

upon the scaling down of existing technologies to the

next level of precision and miniaturization.

In the field of nano technologies researchers are


about its potential applications in fields

such as energy, medicine, electronics, computing and

materials. Of late, one of the emerging aspects

dealing Nanotechnology in mechanical field is the

Internal Combustion Engine

on a nano scale, which is

in this

project chosen as the area of interest. Heat

engines have evolved from external combustion

engines to internal combustion engines and the hot

off the block is the nano internal combustion engine.

Heat engines

of converting

chemical energy into mechanical work

Evolve from external combustion

engine to internal combustion engine.

combustion engine

is the heat engine in which

combustion takes place external to cylinder.

this it is bulky and consumes lot of place.

revolution of heat engines are

fuel combustion takes internally

place and became compact, cost effective. Of late

third revolution is

Engine. It is difficult to thread-

working with an instrument with one billionth of


Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015


After only 27 generations we would have

over 134 million nanomachines on our hands. Since

they are molecular, this doesn't seem like a big

number. But the number could keep growing. After

on the planet. The point is obvious.

Without a way of controlling the reproduction of

nanomachines, the planet is in danger of being over

run. Furthermore, since the nanomachines are using

net's resources as raw material with which to

replicate, the danger is that the planet could

Nanotechnology is the much discussed

a realm in which machines

scales of billionth a metre. It is actually a

multitude of rapidly emerging technologies based

upon the scaling down of existing technologies to the

next level of precision and miniaturization.

In the field of nano technologies researchers are

about its potential applications in fields

such as energy, medicine, electronics, computing and

materials. Of late, one of the emerging aspects

dealing Nanotechnology in mechanical field is the

on a nano scale, which is

project chosen as the area of interest. Heat

engines have evolved from external combustion

engines to internal combustion engines and the hot

off the block is the nano internal combustion engine.

chemical energy into mechanical work

Evolve from external combustion

engine to internal combustion engine.


is the heat engine in which


combustion takes place external to cylinder.

Due to

this it is bulky and consumes lot of place.


in which

place and became compact, cost effective. Of late

working with an instrument with one billionth of

Nanotechnology in mechanical field is the internal

combustion engine on a nano scale

chosen as our area of interest. Heat engines have

evolved from external combustion engines to internal

combustion engines and the hot off the block is the

nano internal combustion engine.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology


Nanotechnology in mechanical field is the internal

combustion engine on a nano scale

, which we have

chosen as our area of interest. Heat engines have

evolved from external combustion engines to internal

combustion engines and the hot off the block is the

- A 0.1cc

on Engine

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015

The Nano is a 0.1cc (that's less than 0.01 cuin)

compression ignition engine -

somewhat inaccurately, referred to as a "diesel". It

was designed by Richard Gordon and the plans were

included as a supplement with the

Model Engineer in the early 1990's.

Crank case

Back plate

Cylinder and head

Venturi and needle valve assembly

Controlrods and crank shafts

Piston and contra piston

An idea of the size of the

given by this picture. From backplate to

drive washer is less than 1 inch. There are

no exotic materials required.

is hacked from a solid cube of aluminium (I

used 2024-

T3), 3/4" on a side. The piston

and con

tra piston are cast iron. The

crankshaft and liner are any old steel from

the scrap box.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015


The Nano is a 0.1cc (that's less than 0.01 cuin)

somewhat inaccurately, referred to as a "diesel". It

was designed by Richard Gordon and the plans were


Venturi and needle valve assembly

An idea of the size of the

Nano is

given by this picture. From backplate to

drive washer is less than 1 inch. There are

is hacked from a solid cube of aluminium (I

T3), 3/4" on a side. The piston

tra piston are cast iron. The

crankshaft and liner are any old steel from

Like all model IC projects, there are a few

special jigs and tools required to construct the Nano.

All are fully detailed in the plan, which includes step

by step instructions with photos. The cutter is made

from water hardening drill rod (called "silver

the UK because of its appearance

silver). I formed the teeth with an abrasive Dremal

type cut-off wheel.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology


Like all model IC projects, there are a few

special jigs and tools required to construct the Nano.

All are fully detailed in the plan, which includes step

by step instructions with photos. The cutter is made

from water hardening drill rod (called "silver

steel" in

the UK because of its appearance

- it contains no

silver). I formed the teeth with an abrasive Dremal


Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015

The cutter is used to form the exhaust ports

in the cylinder. There are three of these, spaced at

120 degrees with sufficient space

the angled transfer ports to slightly overlap the

timing. The crown of the piston is conical to assist

transfer. The contra piston has a matching concave

conical depression.



mentioned previously, the crankcase is

formed from a cube of aluminum. The venturi is

machined separately and secured with Lok

before the final reaming of the crankshaft journal.

Notice the three transfer passages in the photo. These

terminate in a tr

ansfer belt below the cylinder seat

that matches with the cylinder transfer ports. If you

look very closly, you'll also see the stuff

turned away part of the venturi opening. Always

happens on the last operation.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015



The cutter is used to form the exhaust ports

in the cylinder. There are three of these, spaced at

the angled transfer ports to slightly overlap the

timing. The crown of the piston is conical to assist

transfer. The contra piston has a matching concave


mentioned previously, the crankcase is

formed from a cube of aluminum. The venturi is

machined separately and secured with Lok


before the final reaming of the crankshaft journal.

Notice the three transfer passages in the photo. These

ansfer belt below the cylinder seat

that matches with the cylinder transfer ports. If you

look very closly, you'll also see the stuff

-up that

turned away part of the venturi opening. Always

There's nothing

special in the crankshaft

components. Another jig (not shown) is made

the shaft in the 3 jaw chuck, offset by half the throw

for forming the crank pin. Even at these sizes, final

lapping to size is no different from larger engines in

terms of the a

mount of metal that must be LEFT for

removal. Only the microscopic size makes things

difficult. The prop driver knurls were formed with a

thread form tool, set on edge and used as a shaper.

The prop nut is anodized in the usual way.

Again, apart from their size, there's nothing

special about the needle valve components. I made

the needle itself from steel and "blued" it by a quick

heat in a gas flame followed by water quenching. No

big deal, but the amazing thing is the atte

draws with people who examine the engine.

So I believe, that with high ether fuel and a

spring starter, the little Nano will burst into life.

Richard Gordon claims it will turn 40,000 rpm

that's no typo,

forty thousand revolutions per minut

American engine builder Ron Colona used to demo

his at model engineering shows and tur

than 20,000 rpm .

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology



special in the crankshaft

components. Another jig (not shown) is made

to hold

the shaft in the 3 jaw chuck, offset by half the throw

for forming the crank pin. Even at these sizes, final

lapping to size is no different from larger engines in

mount of metal that must be LEFT for

removal. Only the microscopic size makes things

difficult. The prop driver knurls were formed with a

thread form tool, set on edge and used as a shaper.

The prop nut is anodized in the usual way.


Again, apart from their size, there's nothing

special about the needle valve components. I made

the needle itself from steel and "blued" it by a quick

heat in a gas flame followed by water quenching. No

big deal, but the amazing thing is the atte

ntion it

draws with people who examine the engine.

So I believe, that with high ether fuel and a

spring starter, the little Nano will burst into life.

Richard Gordon claims it will turn 40,000 rpm

- yes,

forty thousand revolutions per minut


American engine builder Ron Colona used to demo

his at model engineering shows and tur

ning at better

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015

The transfer ports of the weaver are unusual.


comprise 5 vertical channels, spaced

equidistantly around

degrees of the cylinder.

"transfer belt" below the exhaust ports.This

arrangement avoids the induction port at the

cylinder rear.


When it was fired, it run briefly, oscillating

back and forth

compressed diesels.

with small mass fly wheels are won


But spring starters are the only way to start

ultrasmall diesels -

won't work.Also, the fuel for mini diesels

needs a lot of ether -


With high ether fuel and a spring starter,

the little.

Nano will burst into life.

It will turn 40,000 rpm.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015


The transfer ports of the weaver are unusual.

comprise 5 vertical channels, spaced

"transfer belt" below the exhaust ports.This

arrangement avoids the induction port at the

When it was fired, it run briefly, oscillating

with small mass fly wheels are won

t to do

But spring starters are the only way to start

won't work.Also, the fuel for mini diesels

% by

With high ether fuel and a spring starter,

Nano ic engine has several applications


from race cars to quad craft

In race cars this IC Nano Engine was used.

The engine was totally created that is, no

It can be controlled in aero


ce ships etc., the timing

of in

According to NASA reports they are

experimenting about the use of Nano engine

in Na

In case of a mine tragedy where harmful

gases are emitted, thesenanoice engines can

be employed as powerful blowers to blow

out these gases is a less time saving the lives

of trapped miners.

Agriculture pumps sets.

Every field of industry.

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology



Nano ic engine has several applications

from race cars to quad craft


In race cars this IC Nano Engine was used.

The engine was totally created that is, no

It can be controlled in aero

ce ships etc., the timing

According to NASA reports they are

experimenting about the use of Nano engine

In case of a mine tragedy where harmful

gases are emitted, thesenanoice engines can

be employed as powerful blowers to blow

out these gases is a less time saving the lives

Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Researches in Engineering and Technology-2015

Copyrights@ Institute of Engineering Research 2015



Every day people are spending more and more

money because of rising gas prices. People all over

the world are trying to find a solution—even visiting

websites to locate the nearest and cheapest gas, all

the while losing time and mileage just to reach

[these] refueling stations. Many have been giving up

favorite hobbies and changing life plans because of

the need to reallocate their funds for gas.For those of

us who must drive to work or school, it seems we

have little choice but to continue paying more. Now,

there is a way to fight back against these constant

increases in gas prices—and to fight pollution and

protect the environment in the process.

The solution

Use the most advanced technology available to

improve fuel economy, prolong the engine life,

reduce harmful emissions and protect the

environment. The number one product for fuel

economy, power and pollution control is now

available .

Introducing our two unique

nanotechnology products:

F2-21 NanoLube Engine Oil Treatment, and

F2-21 NanoRon Gas & Diesel Fuel


With nanotechnology, fuel

transforms at the nano-level to achieve a more

complete combustion, resulting in increased fuel

economy, more driving power, and fewer pollutive



Adds great power to your engine.

Boosts miles per gallon.

Prolongs engine life.

Cleans your combustion chamber.

Protects the environment.

Conclusion :

Nanomachines offer humanity hope for the

future. The idea that we could one day cure diseases,

fix the atmosphere, and reduce poverty in the world

is an exciting one. If scientists can overcome the

technical difficulties involved in producing

nanomachines capable of these goals, then the fruits

of their efforts will benefit us all. However, we must

be cautious.

The temptation to build self-replicating

machines is strong, since it will give us an endless

supply of new nanomachines at virutally no cost but

self-replicating machines have the potential to get out

of control. The best efforts to limit their replicative

abilities may be insufficient, and our planet could be

at risk of being over run by machines that can

consume anything to produce more machines at an

astounding rate.

The benefits of building nanomachines that

can manipulate matter are real and cannot be ignored,

so the technology should be pursued with vigor.

However, the risks in producing self-replicating

machines outweigh the benefits, so I conclude that

self-replicating nanomachine technology should not

be pursued.

We should focus our efforts on perfecting

machines that can produce the benefits outlined in

this article while never building machines that can

make copies of themselves.


1. Dahotre N B and Nayak S (2005),

"Nanocoatings for engine application.

Surface and Coating Technology", Vol.

194, No. 1, pp. 58-67.

2. Kawai T, Goto Y and Odaka M (2004),

"Influence of Dilution Process on Engine

Exhaust Nanoparticles", SAE Technical

Paper 2004-01-0963.

3.Hawkins electrical guide, pg no.359 –362

4.Khurmi.r.s, guptha.j.k., „ a textbook of machine

design s.chand and co, new delhi

5.Metal finishing by feldstein.n,vol.81 (8),(1983),35-


ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.

Nanocoatings for engine application. Surface and Coating Technology

  • N B Dahotre
  • S Nayak

Dahotre N B and Nayak S (2005), "Nanocoatings for engine application. Surface and Coating Technology", Vol. 194, No. 1, pp. 58-67.

a textbook of machine design" s.chand and co, new delhi 5.Metal finishing by feldstein.n

  • R Khurmi

Khurmi.r.s, guptha.j.k., " a textbook of machine design" s.chand and co, new delhi 5.Metal finishing by feldstein.n,vol.81 (8),(1983),35-41